Discount Market: the bet of the transformation of the halieutic products


DISCOUNT MARCHE is a family business created in 2019, specialized in the production and distribution of smoked fish.

Borkiba BA NDIAYE, manager of the structure is a lawyer by training with an international experience in TOSHIBA in France as a commercial. She began to take an interest in the business initially by positioning herself as an investor in 2018.

The attractiveness of the sector is at the origin of her decision to return to Senegal and manage the structure DISCOUNT MARCHE with the challenge of exploiting the fish entirely and think about various ways to market it and consequently diversify the local dishes.

With her own funds, she will strengthen the structure with the purchase of new machines and the recruitment of additional manpower to increase the production and processing capacity of fish and seafood. It works regularly with hotels such as Pullman, Royal Horizon and Palm Beach which are its main customers. Its products are available on the shelves of the Casino supermarket and it seeks to approach other signs such as Auchan or Carrefour, because its strength compared to the competition is to have fresh products on the shelves over 21 days.

DISCOUNT MARCHE markets its products in Dakar as well as in regions like Mbour, Fatick and Kaolack. Strongly impacted by the covid-19, period during which the structure had 6 months of inactivity, Discount Marché is in a phase of revival with the resumption of the commercial and hotel activities.

The ambition of Discount Marché is to move to the industrialization of the activity and pretend to export its products.

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